Special Subjects
"Specials" typically refer to non-core subjects that complement the main academic curriculum. These subjects are usually taught by specialized instructors and provide a well-rounded educational experience beyond core subjects like math, science, language arts, and social studies.
- Art
- Computer Science
- English as a New Language (ENL)
- Physical Education
- Library, Innovation, Fitness, & Technology (LIFT)
- Music
- Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
- Special Education
The visual arts program at the Manor and Harbor Elementary Schools is based on the principles and practices of TAB, Teaching for Artistic Behaviors. A TAB art room is a choice-based, student-centered studio environment where the artists are given the skills, support, materials, space and time to respond to their own interests and ideas through art making. Students are not only taught about art; they are taught how to think and behave like artists and creators. Artists are encouraged to focus on the process of art making rather than just the finished product. 21st Century skills such as collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving are intrinsically woven into a TAB studio experience. Throughout their elementary art career, student artists explore and experiment with a wide variety of materials and techniques. They are encouraged to envision their art, express their ideas and feelings, engage and persist through problems to develop focus, and observe and reflect on their art making process.
Harbor School- Art
Go to Teacher Information Pages for your teacher's information.
Christine Donnelly
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TAB Studio
The visual arts program at the Harbor School is based on the principles and philosophy of TAB (Teaching for Artistic Behavior).
A TAB Studio is a choice-based, student-centered environment where students are given the skills, support, materials, resources, space and time to respond to their own artistic interests and ideas. The idea of TAB is centered around three simple foundations: You are an ARTIST. This is your studio. Do what artists do.
The Harbor Art Studio is a TAB Studio
Resources About the TAB Philosophy
Teaching for Artistic Behaviors Organization
This is the website created by the TAB founders and includes it's history, definition and resources for teachers, parents and students.
Teaching Art or Teaching to Think Like an Artist? Cindy Foley, TedX
What is the purpose and value of Art education in the 21st Century? Foley makes the case the Art’s critical value is to develop learners that think like Artists which means learners who are creative, curious, that seek questions, develop ideas, and play. For that to happen society will need to stop the pervasive, problematic and cliché messaging that implies that creativity is somehow defined as artistic skill. This shift in perception will give educators the courage to teach for creativity, by focusing on three critical habits that artist employ, 1. Comfort with Ambiguity, 2. Idea Generation, and 3. Transdisciplinary Research. This change can make way for Center’s for Creativity in our schools and museums where ideas are king and curiosity reigns.
How Drawing Helps You Think - Ralph Ammer, Tedx
You don't have to be an artist to draw! In this beautifully illustrated talk, Ralph Ammer shows how drawing your thoughts can be a powerful tool for improving your thinking, creativity and communication. He wants you to believe in your drawing abilities, and provides numerous exercises to help you get started.
Harbor's Art Room
Computer Science
The Seaford Computer Science Department is committed to foster problem solving skills while encouraging students to be active creators of computer technologies. Computer science can be defined as “the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their hardware and software design, their applications, and their impact on society. In simple terms, computer science is the study of why and how computers work, including programming, or coding.
The NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
In 2020, the Board of Regents adopted the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards for Grades K-12. The new standards focus on five key concepts:
These related areas of computer science and digital fluency have been combined under one “umbrella” to create a comprehensive, cohesive set of learning standards that represent the essential knowledge and skills in these areas that students should possess upon graduation in order to be successful in college, careers, and citizenship in the 21st Century.
K-5 Elementary Computer Science Program
Harbor School- Computer Science
Go to Teacher Information Pages for your teacher's information.
K-5 LIFT Teachers
Leah Kukla
Daniel Maricondo
Jennifer Rosenberg
K-5 Computer & Coding Teacher
Christopher Feiler
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English as a New Language (ENL)
Physical Education
Harbor School- Subject
Go to Teacher Information Pages for your teacher's information.
Casey Kimmel
Suzanne Mooney
Library, Innovation, Fitness, & Technology (LIFT)
The LIFT program is a new, exciting interdisciplinary program for our K-5 students at the Harbor and Manor Elementary Schools. The program focuses on the following:
Library: Focuses on library skills, and continued collaboration with classroom teachers to focus on research, and Project Lead The Way (PLTW)
Innovation: Focuses on critical thinking, teamwork, creative problem-solving, innovative thinking and inquiry-based learning
Fitness: Focuses on nutrition, mindfulness that focuses on our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs such as RULER & Habits of Mind, and movement/fitness
Technology: Focuses on robotics, coding, and presenting with technology and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)
Looking for some family fun STEAM time?
Below are some fun LIFT STEAM activities that your family can engage in during weekends, vacations, or on rainy days. Please see the PDF below or scan the QR Code to access the LIFT STEAM Choice Board.
Harbor School- LIFT
Go to Teacher Information Pages for your teacher's information.
Leah Kukla
Daniel Maricondo
Jennifer Rosenberg
Stay Connected!
In our department we will:
- Provide a dynamic learning environment where each student has an opportunity to bring out his or her fullest musical potential.
- Promote a high standard of excellence and generate a significant interest in keeping music a part of the students life long after their school career is over.
- Support new music and new collaborations between music and related disciplines, and to cultivate new approaches to performance, and education.
- Affirm the fundamental value of music in an educational setting.
- Create a well rounded individual and go beyond advocacy to enhance the musical life of the child.
The Manor Band Program focuses on building strong foundations in instrumental techniques and music literacy, providing young musicians with the skills and confidence to succeed in their musical journey. Students participate in weekly small group lessons and band rehearsals, developing fundamental techniques while gaining an understanding of music notation and rhythm. Our program emphasizes both individual growth and group performance, creating a supportive environment where students can explore their instruments, collaborate with peers, and foster a lifelong appreciation for music.
At Seaford's elementary schools, our chorus programs are designed to cultivate a strong foundation in music literacy and vocal technique for young learners. Open to fourth and fifth-grade students, the chorus provides an opportunity to explore rhythm, melody, and basic notation through engaging choral music. In weekly rehearsals, students will learn to sing in unison or two-part harmonies, while developing proper vocal production, posture, and the ability to follow a conductor. Students will gain confidence in their vocal abilities, master essential musical elements such as tone, rhythm, diction, and style, and work collaboratively to prepare for performances throughout the year. The experience of singing together in a large ensemble fosters a sense of belonging and accomplishment, helping students build pride in their contributions to the group.
General Music
Harbor General Music
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Pamela Brinkman
Children arrive in elementary school with ears, minds, and hearts full of music from their homes, communities, and the media. Music of diverse styles, genres, and cultures is already woven into the knowledge and experience of students in kindergarten through grade five. During these years, children continue to learn about music through their experience both in school and outside school. The Seaford Manor Elementary School Music program contributes to the musical growth of children by nurturing their musical interests and abilities, broadening their musical horizons, and enriching their knowledge about music.
The NYSSMA Festival is a great opportunity for students to participate in objective feedback on their instrument from trained professionals. At solo and small ensemble festivals, students are given a performance evaluation that involves playing a graded solo from the NYSSMA Manual, playing scales and sight reading. At major ensemble festivals, school bands, choruses and orchestras are evaluated. Please consult with your child's music teacher to determine which level of music is appropriate for your child.
2025 NYSSMA Dates & Info:
Solo/ Ensemble Festival:
April 23rd & 24th at Seaford Middle School
All-State Festival
March 28th & 29th at Kellenberg Memorial High School
Vocal Jazz Festival
April 25th & 26th at Hicksville High School
Please order your 2 originals of your solo (NO PHOTOCOPIES are allowed) as soon as possible to alleviate any problems in availability.
You can order this music at any local music store (Catalano Music-516-354-0256, Advantage Music-631-285-6914) or any publisher (JW Pepper Music, www.jwpepper.com, 1-800-345-6296). If you have difficulty acquiring your music, please contact your music teacher as soon as possible.
Harbor School- Music
Go to Teacher Information Pages for your teacher's information.
Pamela Brinkman
Charlotte Loake
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Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) provides transformative learning experiences for K-12 students and teachers across the U.S. The PLTW curriculum consists of engaging, hands-on lessons that develop the STEM skills students will rely on throughout their time at Seaford UFSD and beyond. Students engage in hands-on activities, projects, and problems that empower them to solve real-world challenges and develop the skills necessary to thrive in an evolving world. PLTW offers three different pathways that students can explore: Biomedical Science, Computer Science and Engineering.
PLTW Elementary
Students already have the qualities of great designers and innovators and PLTW taps into their exploratory nature, engaging them in learning that feels like play, and encouraging them to keep discovering. The PLTW program at the elementary level is entitled Launch and empowers students to adopt a design-thinking mindset through compelling activities, projects, and problems that build upon each other and relate to the world around them. And as students engage in hands-on activities in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science, they become creative, collaborative problem-solvers ready to take on any challenge. In Seaford UFSD, The PLTW program is implemented through the LIFT program at the Harbor and Manor Schools.
PLTW Resources
- PLTW Philosophy
- PLTW Curriculum
- PLTW & STEM Impact throughout all Grades
- PLTW & College & Career Readiness
PLTW Philosophy
PLTW Curriculum
PLTW & STEM Impact throughout all Grades
PLTW & College & Career Readiness
Harbor School- PLTW Launch
Go to Teacher Information Pages for your teacher's information.
Leah Kukla
Daniel Maricondo
Jennifer Rosenberg
Stay Connected!
Special Education
Our department services students in grades Pre-K to 12, ages 3 to 22, including one nonpublic school. As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that students are best supported to meet their goals and achieve successful postsecondary outcomes, we are committed to:
• Establishing partnerships with state, local, and community agencies to develop, implement, and maintain high-quality programs and services for students with disabilities
• Providing ongoing professional development opportunities for all staff to support continuous improvement in the development of evidence-based practices to successfully meet the needs of our students
• Fostering effective collaboration across educational settings and staff to promote student success
• Encouraging and facilitating active participation of parents and families in the CPSE/CSE process
• Ensuring that IEPs, programs, services, and procedures for the evaluation of students’ needs are developed and implemented in accordance with state and federal regulations